Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Painting: What goes good with Blue?

Hey folks,

I just got done with the blue on my guy and if I had a camera you guys would admire him just as much as I do! But now I am at the part where I don't know where to go, the black armor parts on him are just empty. The blue is built up from a Turquoise to Ice Blue to pure white highlights, and I have three ideas on what to do for the rest. A dark grey build up, to give it a gloomy but bright look, which I think would be good for the army scheme. However they are Dark Eldar and I am allowed to make them flashy. Next would be a deep purple to a bright purple highlights, and lastly a deep green to a bright green highlight. I will post pics asap so you can see a couple of test models!

Just leave a comment on what you find works well with a bright blue! I really would like to see some of your creations too!


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